Sales Vacancy

Commission Based Sales Consultant
You will be a self employed person or company contracted to Kiwi Gutter Protection to install our proprietary Gutter Protection Systems. As such you will be responsible to fulfil any legal obligations to the Government in relation to taxes, ACC, GST (if applicable) etc the same as any other business.
The Work
Entails installing our gutter protection systems to a variety of buildings, both residential and commercial, when and where as directed by the company. This is a full time role with all work supplied and booked for you by the company. As the work involves working at heights, you must be comfortable with this and are expected to undergo full height and safety training along with harness and anchor points awareness training. A reasonable level of fitness will be required as this is physical work.
System Training
We will provide, at no cost to you, full training on the correct procedure and method of fitting our systems to a variety of roofs. This training will be a minimum of at least 2 weeks which may be all at once or spread over time depending on circumstances. There will also be ongoing training when and where it is deemed necessary to ensure you are capable of installing in all situations you may come across.
Hours of Work
The hours of work are flexible but as a company we would expect you to be treating this as a full time occupation. Due to the nature of the position, the weather can dictate what can be done safely on some days so a certain amount of flexibility is necessary. The old saying applies here, Make hay when the sun is shining.
The company requires a certain level of cashflow to be viable, and you need to be earning a reasonable amount to survive. These can only be achieved by having installations completed and as such there will be reasonable productivity levels set from time to time. These should be treated as minimums as the more you complete the more you earn.
A small allowance for travel is built into the metre rate & site allowance but should you be required to travel outside a defined area there will be an additional mileage allowance paid. At times, due to workload demands, you may be requested to stay away from home for one or more nights. We try to keep these trips to a minimum, and will consult with you well in advance of this occurring. Accommodation will be provided for in these situations.
You will be responsible for providing your own tools and a reliable vehicle capable of not only carrying them but also rolls of mesh and other stock needed to complete the work. Basic tools include but are not limited to safety harness, ladders, planks, battery drills, hammer, nail puller, Stanley knife, caulking gun and aviation snips. A full tool list can be made available which includes items not needed everyday, but should be purchased as you can because when you need them, you don’t want to have to stop work and go and buy them.
Are to be submitted to the office by Tuesday morning each week for all jobs fully completed the prior week. This will then be paid on Friday.
With both the office and clients is essential. If for some reason you are running late to a job, let the office and the client know. Failing to do so can end up with the office staff wasting a lot of time trying to find out where you are and disgruntled clients.
Other responsibilities
You will be required to take photos of your completed work so a phone with a camera that can upload to the internet is essential.
There is a contracted rate per metre of mesh installed. There is also a site allowance on every job. Other allowances may be paid on a job by job basis should the installation require work that is over and above what is regarded as a standard job.
This position will give you an opportunity to be self employed, run your own business that has perks a wage earner does not get, and earn an above average income. If that all appeals to you then please fill in the form below and we will be in touch to arrange a confidential face to face meeting to answer any further questions and explore your options further.
Due to increased demand we currently require Sales Consultants in both the
Auckland and Waikato/Bay of Plenty areas.
Please fill in the form below and we will be in contact with more info.
Please fill in the form below and we will be in contact as soon as we can.
Easily upload your plans to get a quote for gutter protection supply & installation.
Discover more in our eBook
If you are in the trades and or would like a copy in pdf format for your records, please fill in the form below and we will keep you updated with our latest edition.